I agree, that assuming that the F20 works well for your application, because 
its included in the Exadata 2, probably isn't logical.

Equally, assuming it doesn't work, isn't logical.

Yes, the X-25E is clearly a competitor.  It was once part of the Pillar Data 
Systems setup, and was disqualified based on reliability issues...in that 
sense, doesn't seem like a good competitor, but it is a competitior.

I'm not here to promote the X-25E, however Sun does sell a rebadged X-25E in 
their own servers, and my particular salesman, spec'd both an X-25E based 
system, and an F20 based system....so they were clearly pitched against each 

As far as I'm assuming about Sun's .41ms benchmark methodology, really?  am I 
sir?  hardly.

I start that as the basis of a discussion, because Sun published that number.
Seemed logical.

But I think we mostly agree, good idea to test.   My intention was just to save 
anyone from disappointment, should they purchase without testing.

I admit, I haven't posted here before, I registered precisely because google 
was showing this page as being a forum to discuss this card, and...just wanted 
to discuss it some.  

My apologies if I seemed too enthusiastic in my points, from the get go.
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