> Well, then you could have more "logical space" than
> "physical space", and that would be extremely cool,

I think we already have that, with zfs clones.

I often clone a zfs onnv workspace, and everything
is "deduped" between zfs parent snapshot and clone
filesystem.  The clone (initially) needs no extra zpool

And with zfs clone I can actually use all
the remaining free space from the zpool.

With zfs deduped blocks, I can't ...

> but what happens if for some reason you wanted to
> turn off dedup on one of the filesystems? It might
> exhaust all the pool's space to do this.

As far as I understand it, nothing happens for existing
deduped blocks when you turn off dedup for a zfs
filesystem.  The new dedup=off setting is affecting
new written blocks only.
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