On 19-Dec-09, at 11:34 AM, Colin Raven wrote:

Wait...whoah, hold on.
If snapshots reside within the confines of the pool, are you saying that dedup will also count what's contained inside the snapshots?

Snapshots themselves are only references, so yes.

I'm not sure why, but that thought is vaguely disturbing on some level.

Then again (not sure how gurus feel on this point) but I have this probably naive and foolish belief that snapshots (mostly) oughtta reside on a separate physical box/disk_array...

That is not possible, except in the case of a mirror, where one side is recoverable separately. You seem to be confusing "snapshots" with "backup".

"someplace else" anyway. I say "mostly" because I s'pose keeping 15 minute snapshots on board is perfectly OK - and in fact handy. Hourly...ummm, maybe the same - but Daily/Monthly should reside "elsewhere".

When we are children, we are told that sharing is good. In the case or references, sharing is usually good, but if there is a huge amount of sharing, then it can take longer to delete a set of files since the mutual references create a "hot spot" which must be updated sequentially.

Y'know, that is a GREAT point. Taking this one step further then - does that also imply that there's one "hot spot" physically on a disk that keeps getting read/written to? if so then your point has even greater merit for more reasons...disk wear for starters,

That is not a problem. Disks don't "wear" - it is a non-contact medium.


and other stuff too, no doubt.

Files are usually created slowly so we don't notice much impact from this sharing, but we expect (hope) that files will be deleted almost instantaneously. Indeed, that's is completely logical. Also, something most of us don't spend time thinking about.
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