Hello list,

someone (actually neil perrin (CC)) mentioned in this thread:


that is should be possible to import a pool with failed log devices (with or without data loss ?).

/>/ Has the following error no consequences?
/>/ />/ Bug ID 6538021
/>/  Synopsis   Need a way to force pool startup when zil cannot be replayed
/>/  State      3-Accepted (Yes, that is a problem)
/>/ Link />/ http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6538021
Er that bug should probably be closed as a duplicate.
We now have this functionality.

Can someone clarify in which release this is fixed and which bug addresses this ?

Are the situations then handled like this:

1) Machine + ZIL Failes (e.g. ZIL Device damaged during system crash)
In this case max 5seconds data loss, but pool is still correct.

2) Machine reboot / shutdown (e.g ZIL Device failure during machine transport of a machine)
In this case no data loss.

3) Removal of a ZIL device of a pool ?
Is this possible ?


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