On 12 mar 2010, at 03.58, Damon Atkins wrote:
> Unfortunately DNS spoofing exists, which means forward lookups can be poison.

And IP address spoofing, and...

> The best (maybe only) way to make NFS secure is NFSv4 and Kerb5 used together.


DNS is NOT an authentication system!
IP is NOT an authentication system!

I don't think the (rw|root|...)=(hostname|address) kind of functionality
has any place in a system from after the 80's, when the world got
connected and security became an issue for the masses. It should be an
extra feature marked with a big "insecure" that you should have to
enable through a very cumbersome process.

Instead, use Kerberos, or if that is not possible, at least use IPSEC to
make IP address spoofing harder.


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