On Tue, 2010-04-20 at 18:51 +0100, Bayard Bell wrote:
> This thread starts with someone who doesn't claim to have any
> authoritative information or attempt to cite any sources using a gmail
> account to post to a mailgroup. Now people turn around and say that

Whoa!  By way of clarification: 

1) If I had authoritative information why would I bother posing the

2) The source were I ran across the info that prompted my query was
cited in my initial post and present in the email sent out by the
Mailman listserver.  Noting evidence of confusion from some reading via
Jive forum interface I followed up with an explanation.

3) Rather than fan rumor and speculation by posting to
freebsd-questions, a list to which I am not subscribed, I addressed my
query to what I deemed the most appropriate source for an authoritative
answer.  Moreover, in so doing I explicitly qualified the post as

4) I do not have, nor have ever had, a gmail address.  To the contrary
my email address is readily apparent in my signature.

>  they doubt the sourcing on this, but looking at the archives of this
> list, there are a number of posts over the years from a Dominic Kay
> using this gmail address but providing links to a Sun employee blog
> (http://blogs.sun.com/dom/). If you Google "Dominic Kay Oracle", you

I didn't need to, as I already knew the name.  Hence I publicly
acknowledged his reply as more than satisfactory, expressed my
gratitude, and moved on.  I don't really see grounds for directing these
vehement comments my way.  The misinformation has now been identified as
such and nipped in the bud, wh/I would think would be a good thing.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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