frank+lists/ said:
> I remember, and this was a few years back but I don't see why it would be any
> different now, we were trying to add drives 1-2 at a time to medium-sized
> arrays (don't buy the disks until we need them, to hold onto cash), and the
> Netapp performance kept going down down down.  We eventually had to borrow an
> array from Netapp to copy our data onto to rebalance.  Netapp told us
> explicitly, make sure to add an entire shelf at a time (and a new raid group,
> obviously, don't extend any existing group). 

The advent of aggregates fixed that problem.  Used to be that a raid-group
belonged to only one volume.  Now multiple flex-vols (even tiny ones) share
all the spindles (and parity drives) on their aggregate, and you can rebalance
after adding drives without having to manually move/copy existing data.  Pretty
slick, if you can afford the price.



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