On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 03:40:26AM -0700, Ben Taylor wrote:
> > We have a server with a couple X-25E's and a bunch of
> > larger SATA
> > disks.
> > 
> > To save space, we want to install Solaris 10 (our
> > install is only about
> > 1.4GB) to the X-25E's and use the remaining space on
> > the SSD's for ZIL
> > attached to a zpool created from the SATA drives.
> > 
> > Currently we do this by installing the OS using
> > SVM+UFS (to mirror the
> > OS between the two SSD's) and then using the
> > remaining space on a slice
> > as ZIL for the larger SATA-based zpool.
> > 
> > However, SVM+UFS is more annoying to work with as far
> > as LiveUpgrade is
> > concerned.  We'd love to use a ZFS root, but that
> > requires that the
> > entire SSD be dedicated as an rpool leaving no space
> > for ZIL.  Or does
> > it?
> For every system I have ever done zfs root on, it's always
> been a slice on a disk.  As an example, we have an x4500
> with 1TB disks.  For that root config, we are planning on
> something like 150G on s0, and the rest on S3. s0 for
> the rpool, and s3 for the qpool.  We didn't want to have
> to deal with issues around flashing a huge volume, as
> we found out with our other x4500 with 500GB disks.
> AFAIK, it's only non-rpool disks that use the "whole disk",
> and I doubt there's some sort of specific feature with
> an SSD, but I could be wrong.
> I like your idea of a reasonably sized root rpool and the
> rest used for the ZIL.  But if you're going to do LU,
> you should probably take a good look at how much space
> you need for the clones and snapshots on the rpool

Interesting.  For some reason, I coulda sworn that Sol 10 U8 installer
required you to use an entire disk for a ZFS rpool, so using only part
of the disk on a slice and leaving space for other uses wasn't an

I'll revisit this though.

Thanks for the reply.

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