> Btw, if you want a commercially supported and maintained product, have
> you looked at NexentaStor? Regardless of what happens with OpenSolaris,
> we aren't going anywhere. (Full disclosure: I'm a Nexenta Systems
> employee. :-)
> -- Garrett

Hi Garrett,

I would like to know why you think Nexenta would continue to stay if 
OpenSolaris goes away.

I feel the fate of Nexenta is no different than the fate of my startup company. 
Both of us are heavily dependent on zfs. And we know OpenSolaris version of zfs 
is the most stable version. 

Any business that is dependent on zfs must plan for two things as a contingency:

1. Look for an alternative for zfs
2. Look for an alternative for OpenSolaris

Preferably both need to be open source with no licenses attached.

Ideally, zfs lawsuit will be put to rest and Oracle will commit for continuing 
to support OpenSolaris.

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