On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:27 AM, bhanu prakash <bhanu.sys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the information...
> Actually the requirement is like this. Please let me know whether it matches
> for the below requirement or not.
> Question:
> The SAN team will assign the new LUN’s on EMC DMX4 (currently IBM Hitache is
> there). We need to move the 17 containers which are existed on the
> server Host1 to new LUN’s”.
> Please give me the steps to do this activity.

Without knowing the layout of the storage, it is impossible to give
you precise instructions.  This sounds like it is a production Solaris
10 system in an enterprise environment.  In most places that I've
worked, I would be hesitant to provide the required level of detail on
a public mailing list.  Perhaps you should open a service call to get
the assistance you need.

Mike Gerdts
zfs-discuss mailing list

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