On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:23 PM, David Strom <dst...@ciesin.columbia.edu> wrote:
> Looking for a little help, please.  A contact from Oracle (Sun) suggested I
> pose the question to this email.
> We're using ZFS on Solaris 10 in an application where there are so many
> directory-subdirectory layers, and a lot of small files (~1-2Kb) that we ran
> out of inodes (over 30 million!).
> So, the zfs question is, how can we see how many files & directories have
> been created in a zfs filesystem?  Equivalent to "df -o i" on a UFS
> filesystm.

If you have gnu df, (it's in /opt/sfw/bin/gdf if you've installed the companion
CD), then that supports the -i flag.

Alternatively parse the output from df -g. I have a horrid script that does
something like that, fragment here:

echo "Filesystem        iused   ifree   %iused  Mounted on"
for ZF in ${FSLIST}
        OUT=`/usr/sbin/df -g ${ZF} | awk -F: '{print $NF}'`
        NFILES=`echo $OUT | awk '{print $15}'`
        NFREE=`echo $OUT | awk '{print $18}'`
        SPACE=`/usr/sbin/df -k ${ZF} | nawk '/%/{print $3}'`
        echo "${ZF}     $NUSED  $NFREE  ${NPERC}%       ${ZF}"
        echo "                  average $(($SPACE/$NUSED))k"

ZFS goes up to ridiculous number of files. Here's one of ours
which has a fair number:

Filesystem      iused   ifree   %iused  Mounted on
/images/fred 140738056       36000718887     0%      /images/fred
                        average 11k

I've never seen ZFS run out of inodes, though.

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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