+1 on the below, and in addition...

...compact flash, like off of USB sticks is not designed to deal with very many 
writes to it.  Commonly it is used to store a bootable image that maybe once a 
year will have an upgrade on it.

Basically, trying to use those devices for a ZIL, even they are mirrored - you 
should be prepared to having one die and be replaced very, very regularly.

Generally performance is going to pretty bad as well - USB sticks are not made 
to be written too rapidly.  They are entirely different animals than SSDs.  I 
would not be surprised (but would be curious to know if you still move forward 
on this) that you will find performance even worse trying to do this.

On Jul 18, 2011, at 1:54 AM, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

> First of all, using USB disks for permanent storage is a bad idea. Go
> for e-sata instead (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ata#eSATA). It

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