On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 05:24:18PM -0700, Richard Elling wrote:
> We use this method to implement NexentaStor HA-Cluster and, IIRC,
> Solaris Cluster uses shared cachefiles, too.  More below...

Mine's a cluster too, with quite a simple design.

> On Aug 29, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Gary Mills wrote:
> > I have a system with ZFS root that imports another zpool from a start
> > method.  It uses a separate cache file for this zpool, like this:
> > 
> >        if [ -f $CCACHE ]
> >        then
> >            echo "Importing $CPOOL with cache $CCACHE"
> >            zpool import -o cachefile=$CCACHE -c $CCACHE $CPOOL
> >        else
> >            echo "Importing $CPOOL with device scan"
> >            zpool import -o cachefile=$CCACHE $CPOOL
> >        fi
> > 
> > It also exports that zpool from the stop method, which has the side
> > effect of deleting the cache.  This all works nicely when the server
> > is rebooted.
> > 
> > What will happen when the server is halted without running the stop
> > method, so that that zpool is not exported?  I know that there is a
> > flag in the zpool that indicates when it's been exported cleanly.  The
> > cache file will exist when the server reboots.  Will the import fail
> > with the `The pool was last accessed by another system.' error, or
> > will the import succeed?  
> The pool metadata has the host's ID stored. When you export the pool,
> the host's ID is cleared. So as long as you import on the same host,
> it won't pring the "last accessed by another system" message.

That's what I'd hoped.  So, if the active node reboots, that zpool
will be imported again, perhaps more slowly because import is
investigating possible damage.  This is good.

> > Does the cache change the import behavior?
> Only pools in /etc/zfs/zpool.cache are imported automatically at boot.
> To import your pool, add a start script.

Yes, that's it above.

> > Does it recognize that the server is the same system?  I don't want
> > to include the `-f' flag in the commands above when it's not needed.
> It should just work.  Use "zdb -C /my/cache/file" for exploration and
> troubleshooting.


-Gary Mills-        -Unix Group-        -Computer and Network Services-
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