in solaris zfs cache many things, you should have more ram
if you setup 18gb swap , imho, ram should be high than 4gb

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On Jun 25, 2012, at 5:58, wrote:

>> 2012-06-14 19:11, wrote:
>>>> In message <>, 
>>>> writes:
>>>>> Memory: 2048M phys mem, 32M free mem, 16G total swap, 16G free swap
>>>> My WAG is that your "zpool history" is hanging due to lack of
>>>> RAM.
>>> Interesting.  In the problem state the system is usually quite responsive, 
>>> eg. not memory trashing.  Under Linux which I'm more
>>> familiar with the 'used memory' = 'total memory - 'free memory', refers to 
>>> physical memory being used for data caching by
>>> the kernel which is still available for processes to allocate as needed 
>>> together with memory allocated to processes, as opposed to
>>> only physical memory already allocated and therefore really 'used'.  Does 
>>> this mean something different under Solaris ?
>> Well, it is roughly similar. In Solaris there is a general notion
> [snipped]
> Dear Jim,
>        Thanks for the detailed explanation of ZFS memory usage.  Special 
> thanks also to John D Groenveld for the initial suggestion of a lack of RAM
> problem.  Since up-ing the RAM from 2GB to 4GB the machine has sailed though 
> the last two Sunday mornings w/o problem.  I was interested to
> subsequently discover the Solaris command 'echo ::memstat | mdb -k' which 
> reveals just how much memory ZFS can use.
> Best regards
> Tom.
> --
> Tom Crane, Dept. Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill,
> Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, England.
> Email:  T.Crane@rhul dot ac dot uk
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