
a couple of days we had an issue with one of our FC switches which led to a switch restart. Due to this issue the zpool vdevs had been disconnected from the Solaris 11 host, which had to be restarted to get things running again.

Now, when I imported the zpools for this host, at the first glance, everything looked good: zpool list didn't show any issues, but zpool status did. It claims some data corruption and I seem to cannot get rid of if.

This is what zpool status says about this zpool:

zpool status -v VSM_POOL_tr1204631_32
  pool: VSM_POOL_tr1204631_32
 state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data
        corruption.  Applications may be affected.
action: Restore the file in question if possible. Otherwise restore the
        entire pool from backup.
   see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-8A
  scan: scrub in progress since Wed Sep 19 12:26:30 2012
    4,63T scanned out of 13,9T at 64,3M/s, 42h11m to go
    0 repaired, 33,20% done

        NAME                       STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        VSM_POOL_tr1204631_32      ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-0                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2023001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2017001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2057001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-1                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2024001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2018001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2058001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-2                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2025001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2019001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2059001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-3                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2013001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2020001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2068001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-4                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2016001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2022001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t205B001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-5                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2021001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2015001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t205C001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-6                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2026001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t201A001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t205D001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-7                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2027001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t201B001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t205E001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-8                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t201C001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2028001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t205F001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-9                 ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t201D001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2029001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2060001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-10                ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t201E001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t202A001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2061001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-11                ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t201F001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t202B001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2064001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-12                ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2020001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t202C001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2063001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-13                ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2021001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t202D001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2065001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          mirror-14                ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2022001378E09A18d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t202E001378E0B118d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
            c0t2066001378E07918d0  ONLINE       0     0 0
          c0t2023001378E09A18d0    AVAIL
          c0t202F001378E0B118d0    AVAIL
          c0t2067001378E07918d0    AVAIL

errors: Permanent errors have been detected in the following files:


Now, /VSM_POOL_tr1204631_32/FCE-Test/ is the mount point of a zfs volume on that zpool and I can't find anything problematic with the zfs volume. Since I don't need that zfs volume anymore, I could easily remove it. The second error, however, disturbs me - it doesn't seem to point to a file or directory.


Stephan Budach
Jung von Matt/it-services GmbH
Glashüttenstraße 79
20357 Hamburg

Tel: +49 40-4321-1353
Fax: +49 40-4321-1114
E-Mail: stephan.bud...@jvm.de
Internet: http://www.jvm.com

Geschäftsführer: Frank Wilhelm, Stephan Budach (stellv.)
AG HH HRB 98380

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