Have you submitted these to the Professor from England (who may indeed be an
English professor)?  The article you referred us to said that Canadians had
the worst sense of humor, but this one about Grandpa is funnier than the NJ


Marc A. Schindler wrote:

My Dad's new .sig file:

I want to die like my Grandfather did: peacefully in his sleep
not like his passengers, screaming in terror.

Here's one he used to have which I think I recently quoted, but just in

I like pigs. Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs
consider you their equal - Sir Winston Churchill

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high
and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our
--Michelangelo Buonarroti

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author's employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
may be associated.

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