>From another list:

The following appeared in this morning's paper (Daily Camera, Boulder, 
Colorado, October 7, 2002, page 3B):

Mormon church issues anti-war statement

The Mormon church issued a strong anti-war message at its semiannual General 
Conference, clearly referring to current hostilities in the Middle East, 
advocating patience and negotiation, and urging the faithful to be 

"As a church, we must renounce war and proclaim peace," said Russell M 
Nelson, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Quorum 
of the Twelve Apostles, which act under the direction of church President 
Gordon B. Hinckley.

Nelson never directly referred to Iraq or current moves toward war, but he 
mentioned the conflict in the Middle East and said "resolution of present 
political problems will require much patience and negotiation."

The Golden Rule's prohibition of one interfering with the rights of others 
was equally binding on nations and associations and left no room for 
retaliatory reactions, Nelson siad at the meeting Saturday.

Descendants of Abraham -- Christians, Jews and Muslims -- "are in a pivotal 
position to emerge as peacemakers," he said.

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