>From what I've noticed here in my ward--

Prospective Elders: 98% Inactive*
Elders: Seems like 25-30% Inactive, at least here
High Priests: 5-10% Inactive, but it seems as if the 
  inactivity occurs mainly for health reasons, such as
  an extended hospitalization

As Paul O. noted, Prospective Elders are counted in the 
numbers for the Elders Quorum, regardless of the actual
priesthood office the member has (if any).  On that basis,
the 50% inactivity rate for the entire Quorum sounds
just about right.  /Sandy/ 

(* The 2% in this category are invariably recent converts,
and most of these don't remain Prospective Elders for very
long, as they receive the Melchezidek Priesthood within months
to perhaps over a year.  The remaining 98% either dropped off 
the radar screen shortly after being baptised, or else fell 
away while they were still attending Aaronic Priesthood quorums.)

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