>We know that a temple will be built in Jerusalem before the Second
>Coming.  We also know that a temple will be built in Jackson County
>the Savior comes.  Question: will the temple in Jerusalem have to be
>and dedicated under the authority and supervision of the Melchizedek
>priesthood?  Or will unbelieving Jews find some way of building a real
>temple without authority from God?
>We know that a temple is just a building until it has been dedicated by
>priesthood.  Will that rule still hold in Jerusalem before the Second

I think we have been here before. It's a good subject. I say that the
Jews can't build a temple that the Lord will accept. A temple must be
built and consecrated to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Jews cannot do

The temple in Jerusalem will be built by the LDS church for in behalf of
Mormon Jews. The LDS church is the only people under the heavens that can
perform such a work. To think that the Jews will build a temple outside
of the authority of the Mormons is just like saying the Jehovah's
Witnesses can do so too. There is no scriptural reference to support such
an idea.

We might be in for a surprise here. The key, I think, is in the actual
consecration of the temple. The Jews will probably build it, as a temple,
but it won't actually meet the Lord's requirements until consecrated by His
Consider that you can receive the same blessing of safety in your home that
you could by being in a temple, but there is no requirement that it's
construction be performed by His church in anyway.
I think that the Jerusalem Temple will have to be built by the Israelites
living there as part of their covenant. they won't have the authority to
consecrate it, but the actual construction could be done in the faith that
God will provide the means once it's accomplished. That's where His church
would step in.

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