We recently had Brother Dan speak in our stake, and he discussed at length
many of their recent projects.  His enthusiasm is infectious, and his work


Marc A. Schindler wrote:

Posted from another list with permission of Daniel C. Peterson:

> "Daniel C. Peterson" wrote:
>> It has been a banner week for the Publications Department at FARMS.
>> Not only did "Echoes and Evidences" come off the press on Monday but,
>> the first volume in the new Eastern Christian Texts series (a
readable and
>> interesting bilingual edition of Yahya ibn OAdi's tenth century
treatise on
>> ethics, "The Reformation of Morals," translated by Father Sidney
Griffith of
>> Catholic University in Washington D.C.) appeared, as well as
>> Reason, and Faith: Essays in Honor of Truman G. Madsen."

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