The First Presidency and the Twelve probably shake hundreds of hands each week and, even at their advanced ages, no ill effects. I think we're probably safe.



It seems to me that the tradition of hand shaking is diminishing somewhat in LSD social circles, the ones I'm in, that is. And for that, I'm quite glad. I don't want to shake hands with anyone, quite frankly. It's just a germy thing to do and it should be discontinued, in my noble opinion.

Think about it; handshaking spreads germs, disease, and simply more pain to make our already miserable earth lives more miserable. So why shake hands with germy people? They put their fingers in their noses, cracks (various ones), and rub there oily skin. I simply can't stand it when I see people in church rubbing their faces, yes, and mouths--then they want to shake hands with me?? God forbid.

Does anyone feel like me? I feel my complaints are noteworthy.It's a good idea to wash you hands after shaking. Wouldn't you say?

Paul O

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