I'll let you know about the League.  Right now, my husband is with a friend
catching a matinee of it.  I'll get him to tell me what he thought of it
and I'll let you know.  Meanwhile, I've seen "Pirates of the Caribbean" and
I loved it!  My mom loved it, too.

Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
> From: John W. Redelfs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 7/17/2003 2:42:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] Video Amusement (was: Gods and Generals)
> Chet Cox wrote:
> >And of course we want to go see *the League of Veryordinary Gentlemen* 
> >since a friend told us it wasn't as bad as the comic.
> This movie played briefly here in Ketchikan, and I wanted to go see it
> it was replaced by Terminator 3 before I had a chance.  Was it any 
> good?  If it was, I'll buy the DVD when it comes out, but otherwise 
> no.  What did you like or dislike about it?
> John W. Redelfs                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===========================================
> "There is no place in this work for those who believe only
> in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
> news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
> ===========================================
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 
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