On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:18:44 -0600 (GMT-06 George Cobabe
> Paul, I have not seen anyone on the FAIR list called truth.  
> Everyone that posts there uses a real (???) name rather than some 
> sort of code word.  Are you sure you are speaking of the FAIR list 
> or the FAIR message boards.  The one is open to all the other is a 
> closed list.  I suspect you are referring to the message boards, 
> rather than the FAIR list.
> George

Oh, of course, it's the FAIR message board where I first met you, George.
After I got booted several people begged to have me brought back and
there was really quite a discussion about it. Since I have 4 computers in
my house and two internet servers it wasn't much problem getting back on.
I've been nice and am trying to learn new ways in dealing with people.

Paul O

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