Here is my brief bio:

Steven Ray Montgomery
5055 Tomahawk
Enoch UT 84720

Fifty years old and happily married to the former Mary Jane Rising.
Mary hails from Grand Forks North Dakota and is a convert to the Church from Catholicism.
Mary brought with her two kids from a former marriage, Kristi--age 26, and Eric--age 18.
We have two kids of our own. Steven James--age 14, and Alex Jay--age 12.
All four of our kids have various and different disabilities. Kristi is mildly mentally retarded and has some physical and social disabilty. Eric has advanced kidney disease (Eric is a kidney transplant recipient) and severe mental retardation. Steven James (Probably the most normal) was born with Laryngeal Malatia and has some verbal disability. While our last one, has mild mental retardation and a very mild form of Cerebal Palsy and Epilepsy. As you can see, my family keeps us very busy.

I was born and raised in Vernal Utah but now reside in a small town five miles north of Cedar City. We love the small town life.

From October 1973 to October 1975 I served a mission to New Zealand. The Auckland New Zealand Mission. I was the first one from my Dad's side of the family to serve a mission.

Contrary to what might be the impression, or the opinion of some on this list, my main "gospel hobby" is not politics--but that of studying the scriptures and words of the brethren. I love the scriptures and love studying the doctrine. I have been Gospel Doctrine teacher on (let's it four different occasions?). I've served in many positions from being in an Elder's Quorum Presidency, Young Men's President, etc. Currently I'm Ward Clerk of the Enoch 1st Ward.

I graduated from Southern Utah State College with a degree in Political Science/History and am a former school teacher. Taught U.S. History and American National Government at Mt. Vernon Academy in Murray Utah. However, I've never made much money in my life and finances always seem to be a problem <grin>. But somehow we seem to make it through.

I've been online since the early 90's and have been a member on ZION since I first discovered its existence sometime around about 1997. I have a love of learning and enjoy the discussions that we have on various subjects. Lately I haven't had much time to participate as much as I would like however.

I give much credit to the Lord for the blessings that has come for our family. We wouldn't even be in a house of our own today were it not for his great mercy and loving kindness towards us.

-- Steven Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Senior Editor, The Constitutional Broadside Newsletter

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