And I believe that as we grow in power and influence, that we will be feared
by others, just as in Nauvoo, and attacked.  The more we humble ourselves
before the Lord, the better we will be able to resist these attacks, but
they will come.


Stacy Smith wrote:

> I think that we will grow in power and influence and be a force to be
> reckoned with but that it will take a few more years.  We have to have a
> very active base, and I don't believe that the majority of the people
> listed on the rolls are active.
> Stacy.
> At 09:00 AM 10/27/2003 -0900, you wrote:
> >I have been reading THE AMERICAN RELIGION by Harold Bloom and I ran
> >an interesting statement on page 123:
> >
> >"And who can believe that the Mormons ever would have turned away from
> >practice of Celestial Marriage, if it were not for federal pressure?  No
> >one, least of all in Salt Lake City, will be much inclined to accept a
> >religious critic's foretellings, but I cheerfully do prophesy that some
> >day, not too far on in the twenty-first century, the Mormons will have
> >enough political and financial power to sanction polygamy again.  Without
> >it, in some form or other, the complete vision of Joseph Smith never can
> >be fulfilled."
> >
> >Harold Bloom writes this as an outsider.  He is an unbelieving Jew, an
> >"American gnostic."  I find his statement interesting because I myself
> >have come to the same conclusion for a number of reasons.  What do you
> >
> >
> >John W. Redelfs                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >===========================================
> >"There is no place in this work for those who believe only
> >in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
> >news.  It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
> >===========================================
> >All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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