On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:52 PM, eastxing wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Plone2.5.5 with Zope2.9.8-final and ZODB3.6.2.Now my  
> Data.fs size is nearly 26G with almost 140k Plone objects and more  
> than 4100k zope objects in the database. Since 2 moths ago, I could  
> not pack my database successfully. Recent days I tried to pack it  
> again, but after more than 72 hours running, the pack process wasn't  
> end
> I readed lots of discussions on the forum, some guys said turn off  
> 'GC' when packing will improve the speed tremendously.Then I found  
> an experimental product -- 'zc.FileStorage' written by Jim, but it  
> seems that it only used by ZODB3.8 or later. So what should I do on  
> ZODB3.6.2 to turn off 'GC' when do packing.

I assume you're running ZEO. You can upgrade your storage server to  
3.8 and use zc.FileStorage, or upgrade it to 3.9.0a10 and use the new  
pack-gc file-storage option to disable packing.  ZEO servers running  
3.8 or 3.9  support ZEO clients running ZODB versions as old as 3.2.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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