On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Chris Withers <ch...@simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
>> Well, not really fair enough.  I just looked at the change that Chris
>> made.  It has a bug
>> that would be caught by your test if anyone tried to port repozo to
>> Python 3.
> Which alternate reality are you talking about here? ;-)

For some reason, when checking the Python version, you only check the
second digit. So, with Python 3.0-3.4, you'll try
to import md5. This is a minor bug that is caught by Tres' test.
It is not the reason I'm pulling the changes.


>>  We are doing users a
>> serious disservice
>> giving  them such an important tool with minimal tests and no
>> automated tests.
> Yes, because effectively deleting work that people have contributed is a
> *really* great way of encouraging people to contribute...

I don't want people to contribute crap. You've made some reasonable
contributions recently so I know you are capable of
producing non-crap.

In any case, nothing is deleted in subversion. If someone creates even
minimal tests that exercise the code you changed, then I'll
be happy to reapply the change. At some point, if no one takes
responsibility for repozo, I'm inclined to remove it from the
distribution, as there is an implied promise of support,
which seems to be lacking.


Jim Fulton
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