I would agree. Virtualization covers a spectrum, and within what we have and are working on, it goes from dynamic system domains with physical separation of OS instances to Solaris Resource Manager, which limits resource consumption within a single instance of Solaris and does not do any other type of isolation. In between are Solaris Container's zones, with process and name-space isolation, and LDoms, Xen, and VMware.

So the product the URL referred to can manage some of that.

I use the terms container and zones interchangably, and in context that is understood.

The term Container was not coined until late in Solaris 9's life, as zones technology was starting to become publicly talked about and used. It still can be confusing. Not that this is the only case :) [1]


[1] How often has someone asked about iPlanet, SunONE, Java Enterprise Systems, [IBM] WebSphere, etc. when referring to a specific service such as web/http, app server, portal, firewall, etc.

Ihsan Zaghmouth wrote On 09/17/06 16:27,:

I guess you are confusing the term *"container"* for *"zone"*. Am I right or Wrong ? Containers are resources that used to exist before Zones came into picture in Solaris10. *Containers are "Projects/Tasks"* that are defined under either framework, * Global or Local Zones.*

The evolution of SRM (Solaris Resource Manager) started in 2.6 and had Containers evolution support in 8 and 9. In Solaris10, another isolated level from the Global Zone, was the birth of Local Zones, supporting Projects at their level too.

Accordingly, it won't be fair to relate *Solaris8 *to be virtualized within a *Solaris10 Zone*. It won't make sense to mix both releases.

That is my belief. Any thoughts to the discussion ?


Irlando Barros wrote:

IHAC with the following question after I aswered NO to his original
question because all zones share a common kernel,(solaris 10); than he
reply with following:

does Sun provides or promotes/supports (from another vendor) any method
of virtualization for Solaris8?

How about this
http://www.sun.com/software/products/container_mgr/index.xml  ?

Thanks in advance for your time and help

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Ihsan Zaghmouth
Sr. SAP Solution Architect
SUN-SAP Business Applications Group

(832) 859-2818   (Cell)
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