Chris Greenman writes:
> >From my understanding, the only way is to perform a
> system upgrade (regular or live upgrade).  Also you
> WILL NOT be able to upgrade any zones.  You best bet
> for that is to save all your application data and zone
> configs and rebuild the zones after upgrading the
> global zone.  

That's not correct.

If you're using netinstall or DVD media (rather than CDs), then you
should have the standard upgrade option available even if you have
non-global zones installed, and the option does in fact upgrade the
zones as well.  It does not work with Live Upgrade or from CDs,
though; if you use LU or CDs, you can upgrade that way only if you
have no non-global zones installed.

The zones upgrade feature was shipped as part of the very first
Solaris 10 Update release.

The Zulu project that just integrated into Nevada (and is headed for a
future S10 Update) will extend this support to Live Upgrade, so that
all the upgrade mechanisms are supported.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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