Hi Ramesh,

Ramesh Mudradi wrote On 05/11/07 02:54,:
I am facing some routing issue with the local zone talking to outside network. 
Here is the setup that I have:

Configured global zone (bge0) to 10.x.180.0 network
Configured local zone (bge1:1) to 10.x.230.0 network

local zone can talk to the systems in 10.x.230.0 network, but it cannot talk to 
any other network.

I cannot add the default route for 10.x.230.0 network in global zone as it doesnt have any network interface plumbe up in that network. Is there any way I configure the default route for local zones so that they can talk to other networks too.

The only (*unsupported*) way I know of getting this to work is to
ifconfig an address for subnet 230 on bge1 (probably any interface
in the GZ) and set up your default routes, and then to remove the
IP address. This will set up the routing without leaving the subnet's
IP address in the GZ.

This will be addressed with IP Instances, already in NV and due in
Solaris 10 7/07. You will need at least one interface (physical,
VLAN, or aggregation) per zone until VNICs come out. See Network
Virtualization and Flow Management at


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