On Mon 18 Jun 2007 at 12:52PM, Ron Halstead wrote:
> On Friday, June 15, 07, I patched the global zone on a machine with 2
> local zones. The global zone has 4 file systems connected (but not
> mounted) from a 3320 storage array. Using lofiadm -a, i created 4
> devices which I imported to the local zones - 2 to each zone. I then
> mounted the 4 file systems.
> After patching and rebooting the global zone, the imported lofi
> devices would not mount. The error messages was mount: /dev/lofi/1 is
> not this fstype. The same error held for the other 3 devices.
> ls -l /dev/*lofi/* in the global zone showed the devices present. I
> reran the lofiadm -a command and the devices were recreated, starting,
> again, with /dev/lofi/1 and not 5 which I expected. I was not
> specifying the disk device (c5todos0) and lofiadm creates them
> sequentially.
> When all lofi devices were recreated, I ran mount -a in the local
> zones and voila, the file systems mounted. I suspect a bug in one of
> the applied patches. I have submitted a bug report (my case # 4106)
> but I'm hoping someone has seen this and can lead me to the fix (short
> of running lofiadm -a every time the global zone boots).
> Thanks in advance - Ron

I may be confused, but:  the lofiadm man page says:

     Associations are not persistant across reboots. A script can
     be used to re-establish them if required.

Do you have such a script?


Daniel Price - Solaris Kernel Engineering - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - blogs.sun.com/dp
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