Philip wrote:
> After I had created a new zone for the first time under kernel 120011-14 (on 
> sparc 6/06), I found that sysidtool would not run automatically at the first 
> boot;  and so I was not being allowed to finish setting up the zone with the 
> time zone, DNS, hostname, etc. The zone boot process simply dropped me to the 
> root login prompt.
> After logging in to the new zone, I discovered that the following required 
> service had been disabled by default:
> # svcs -x
> svc:/system/identity:domain (system identity (domainname))
>  State: disabled since Mon Oct 15 12:03:24 2007
> Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
>    See:
>    See: domainname(1M)
>    See: defaultdomain(4)
> Impact: 3 dependent services are not running.  (Use -v for list.
> When I enabled that service, and rebooted the zone, sysidtool ran as normal, 
> and I was able to finish setting up the new zone.  Any idea why that service 
> was disabled by default in the zone?  It was not disabled in the global zone, 
> and I had not seen this behavior before kernel patch 120011-14.


We just had a bug reported which looks like the problem
you are seeing.  The bug is:

6614543 The telnet utility in non-global zones cannot be used
         under certain conditions

The synopsis is misleading but the data in the bug seems to
match what you are seeing.  I have not had a chance to investigate
this bug yet but I am going to start looking at it.

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