Sounds like

6614543 sysidtool doesn't run in zones on systems pre u3 patched up to 120011-14

The following should work when run in the global zone prior to zoneadm 

installf SUNWcsr /var/svc/profile/generic.xml=./generic_open.xml
installf -f SUNWcsr

i will test this today and if it works will update the KU README's to append 
this note.

For existing zones
zlogin to zone
cd /var/svc/profile
ln -s ./generic_open.xml /var/svc/profile/generic.xml
and reboot zone

al;so fixed in patch 137115/137116  ( will not fix broken zone though )

> See the info on zlogin and sysidcfg.
> http://docsview.sfbay/app/docs/doc/817-1592/6mhahuor0?a=view
> http://docsview.sfbay/app/docs/doc/817-1592/6mhahuor9?a=view
> Especially the sections:
> Performing the Initial Internal Zone Configuration
> How to Log In to the Zone Console to Perform the Internal Zone Configuration
> - Penny
> Nitin Ramannavar wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I'm trying to enable the rlogin within a local zone. However I'm not 
>> able to enable the rlogin service because the sysidtool is not getting 
>> started correctly.
>> Any clue??
>> bash-3.2# svcs -x
>> svc:/system/sysidtool:net (sysidtool)
>> State: offline since Wed Apr 30 03:55:57 2008
>> Reason: Start method is running.
>>   See: http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-C4
>>   See: sysidtool(1M)
>>   See: /var/svc/log/system-sysidtool:net.log
>> Impact: 18 dependent services are not running.  (Use -v for list.)
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