Hello zones community members,

I'm one of the engineers working on Solaris 10 Containers (S10Cs) for OpenSolaris (http://www.opensolaris.org/os/project/s10brand). I'm currently evaluating networking requirements for S10Cs. Our ultimate goal is to achieve networking feature parity with native Solaris 10 zones: we will want S10Cs to do everything that native Solaris 10 zones can do.

I would appreciate any input you can provide regarding what you (or your customers) currently do with your native Solaris 10 zones (both exclusive- and shared-stack zones), especially the commands (arp, snoop, traceroute, etc.), protocols, and other features/services (SMA, Solstice, IPMP, NAT, IP Filter, DHCP client/server, IP tunnels, PPP, IPsec, etc.) that you use most frequently. Your input will help us prioritize networking features and set realistic expectations for our product.

Jordan Vaughan
Solaris Zones
zones-discuss mailing list

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