On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 02:56:23AM -0800, Ian Collins wrote:
> On 02/20/12 10:06 PM, gerard henry wrote:
> >hello all,
> >after upgrading from S11X to S11, i'm unable to attach a zone due
> >to a missing publisher. I'm trying to remove the old publisher but
> >i have this:
> >
> >root@electre:~# pkg -R /zones/test_bd/root/ publisher
> >PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
> >solaris                  (syspub)     origin   online   file:///mnt/repo/
> >solaris                  (syspub)     origin   online
> >proxy://http://localhost:10000/
> >latp                                  origin   online
> >http://electre:10000/
> >root@electre:~# pkg -R /zones/test_bd/root/ unset-publisher solaris
> >
> >pkg unset-publisher: Removal failed for 'solaris': solaris is a
> >system publisher and cannot be unset.
> >
> >there are 2 publishers with the same name, how can i correct this problem?
> >

to use the proper terminology, you have one publisher with two origins.

> I had the same problem a while back and I think I used set-publisher
> with -g to add the correct publisher and -G to remove the bad one.

correct, you cannot run unset-publisher for any publisher configured
with the "syspub" attribute.  to clean up origins for such a publisher
you could run:

        pkg set-publisher -G '*' solaris

> It wont let you remove the one with the queer URI (where doe that
> come from I wonder?), but it doesn't appear to do any harm.

assuming that the queer uri is the "proxy://" one, that one is
automatically added into zones via the system-repository service.
basically, every publisher and origin accessible in the gz is accessible
to a ngz via these type special proxy origins.  this ensures that ngz
can install software that is in compatible with the gz.

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