I was planning to cut a release candidate today, however there are a few blockers outstanding for this release that we need to address before I can do so. We're in the final stretch though.

There are a number of open issues still pending for 3.3.0, however most of these are non-blockers and I've talked with the assigned party about policy (as soon as the blockers are addressed I will push remaining non-blockers to 3.4.0 and cut a release candidate). Unless you feel strongly about an issue push it to 3.4.0 asap.

Recent changes have caused intermittent test failures (blocker issues) on hudson. Hudson runs with clover so these are probably timing related (clover test builds run much more slowly). We are working to address these with highest priority. Additionally Hudson itself has been unstable of late which is impacting our ability to process patches. Over the next few days things will stabilize and we'll cut the release candidate for 3.3.0.

I encourage people following this list to run the tests themselves (checkout trunk and type "ant test") and enter JIRAs for any issues you find. Better now than once the release candidate is cut. Better now than when you need to roll out the changes to your environment and find issues that will take a fix release to address.



Patrick Hunt wrote:
March 10 is rapidly approaching. There aren't any blockers left, my plan is to commit any reviewed "patch availables" and push any remaining non-blockers into 3.4.0 on Weds as part of cutting the 3.3.0 release candidate. If you have something that you want to get into 3.3.0 you need to get the patch in now. Final warning. ;-)


Patrick Hunt wrote:
Just a reminder, 3.3.0 is coming up fast. I will re-triage the JIRA list sometime next week with an eye towards reducing the list of "fix for 3.3.0", pushing non-critical, non-resourced issues to the 3.4.0 release. So if you have something you want to get into 3.3.0 that's a non-blocker please submit a patch asap.


Patrick Hunt wrote:
ZK 3.3.0 is currently slated for March 10th. You can see a JIRA level overview here:

Mahadev and I did an initial triage of the 3.3.0 JIRAs today. There are currently 77 open issues slated for inclusion in this release, vs 110 already addressed.

What does this mean for you? If there's a JIRA assigned to you or that you created that's listed for 3.3.0 please review it. If you don't plan on working on it for 3.3.0 reschedule it (3.4.0 or later), if you do plan to work on it please do so (sooner == better). If you want to get something into 3.3.0 that's not listed for 3.3.0 please submit a patch asap. As the 3.3.0 deadline approaches I will continue triaging the issues, in particular I will start pushing out non-blocker JIRAs that are not actively being worked on.

Thank you,


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