Sorry, what I meant is issuing the new method watchChildren() on the
parent node (basically the same as getChildren() but returning just a
boolean instead of a list of children, because I already know the
paths of the original children and the ones that were added/deleted so
I dont need the list again). I wasnt thinking (yet) about
grandchildren, but If I want to watch for them, I will need to do a
initial getChildren() on the new child that NodeChildrenChanged told
me about, followed by a watchChildren() after each event. Does this
make sense?


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Patrick Hunt <> wrote:
> Javier, also note that the subsequent getChildren you mention in your
> original email is usually not entirely superfluous given that you generally
> want to watch the parent node for further changes, and a getChildren is
> required to set that watch.
> Patrick
> Benjamin Reed wrote:
>> i'm adding a faq on this right now. it's a rather common request.
>> we could put in the name of the node that is changing. indeed, we did in
>> the first cut of zookeeper, but then we found that every instance of
>> programs that used this resulted in bugs, so we removed it.
>> here is the problem:
>> you do a getChildren(), an event comes in that "foo" is deleted, and right
>> afterwords "goo" gets deleted, but you aren't going to get that event since
>> the previous delete fired and you haven't done another getChildren(). this
>> almost always results in an error, so much so that we don't even give people
>> the rope.
>> ben
>> Javier Vegas wrote:
>>> Hi, I am starting to implement Zookeeper as an arbiter for a high
>>> performance client-server service, it is working really well but I
>>> have a question. When my Watcher receives an event of
>>> NodeChildrenChanged event, is there any way of getting from the event
>>> the path for the child that changed? The WatchedEvent javadoc says
>>> that it "includes exactly what happened" but all I am able to extract
>>> is a vague "NodeChildrenChanged" type. What I am doing now to figure
>>> out the path of teh new child is to do a new getChildren and compare
>>> the new children list with the old children list, but that seems a
>>> waste of time and bandwith if my node has lots of children and is
>>> watched by a loot of zookeepers (which will be in prod). If I can
>>> somehow get the path of the added/deleted child from the
>>> WatchedEvent, it will make my life easier and my Zookeeper-powered
>>> system much more simple, robust and scalable. Any suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Javier Vegas

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