On 19 April 2011 12:50, Charlie Clark <charlie.cl...@clark-consulting.eu> wrote:
> Am 19.04.2011, 13:41 Uhr, schrieb Jens Vagelpohl <j...@dataflake.org>:
>> Hi Laurence,
>> I could create a first alpha release for the various packages if that
>> helps.
>> For the first beta a.k.a. trunk branch point I need to know if anyone is
>> working on features that are not on the trunk yet. Please speak up if
>> branching for CMF 2.3 needs to be delayed.
> AFAIK the major block to a release is the stuff I need to tidy up in my
> browser-views only skin plus an upgrade step from old-style
> SyndicationInfo to an adapter based one. It's all on trunk and Yuppie has
> kindly done most(?) of the tidying up necessary but I still need to find
> the time <insert excuse here> to finish up the bits.
> Laurence, what timescale are you looking at?

I think we would need to get to a CMF beta in the next couple of
months to have a realistic chance of getting this into Plone 4.2.

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@zope.org

See https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope-cmf/ for bug reports and feature requests

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