
We are using DCOracle2 from CVS head branch, but I'm testing
chrisw_fixconnectionleak_branch branch created by chrisw and
I've fallen into some errors with this.

First of all, is  chrisw_fixconnectionleak_branch branch the
recommended one? I've seen Carsten Gerner question about the
version of DCOracle but the answer says only about cvs version...

I have a page that renders a table with 70 rows and when I'm
refreshing this page fast for a few times I'm receiving
the errors like:

*Error Type: ConnectionReleasedError*
*Error Value: 3

I've added some debugging commands to connections.py file
and the output is a bit strange for me. Below modified (with print
commands) connections.py file and it's output.

As far as I've analyzed this I see that 'close' function is called
somehow, but I don't know why and by what.

I've checked db.py and query method which calls 'close' for some
kinds of exceptions but it is not this piece of code that is executed.

**Any ideas what is happening? Are these leaking connections?

With older version of DCOracle2 (from CVS trunk) compiled with
Oracle8 there are no errors.**

My Zope is 2.7.2, Python 2.3.5. Zope is running with 10 threads
(I tried 4 but no difference) in ZEO.  DCOracle2 is compiled for

# Output
*2005-07-13T08:16:51 INFO(0) Zope Ready to handle requests
close; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
assignConnection; creatingConnection: 0; time:1121235431.48; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 0; time: 1121235431.48; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 0; time: 1121235431.48; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 0; time: 1121235431.51; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 0; time: 1121235431.62; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> returnConnection; deleting assigned id: 0; time: 1121235431.62; thread:<_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
assignConnection; getting availaible: 0; time: 1121235431.73; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 0; time: 1121235431.73; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 0; time: 1121235431.91; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> returnConnection; deleting assigned id: 0; time: 1121235431.91; thread:<_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
close; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
assignConnection; creatingConnection: 1; time:1121235437.68; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235437.68; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235437.69; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> returnConnection; deleting assigned id: 1; time: 1121235437.69; thread:<_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
assignConnection; getting availaible: 1; time: 1121235438.23; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235438.23; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235438.44; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235438.71; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235438.96; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235439.07; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235439.07; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235439.17; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235439.84; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235440.25; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> returnConnection; deleting assigned id: 1; time: 1121235440.25; thread:<_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
assignConnection; getting availaible: 1; time: 1121235448.29; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235448.29; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235448.3; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235448.34; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235448.43; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235448.43; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235448.48; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235448.52; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235449.4; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> returnConnection; deleting assigned id: 1; time: 1121235449.4; thread:<_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
assignConnection; getting availaible: 1; time: 1121235456.17; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235456.17; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235456.17; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235456.22; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235456.32; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235456.33; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235456.39; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 1; time: 1121235456.42; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
close; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon)>
assignConnection; creatingConnection: 2; time:1121235458.33; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 2; time: 1121235458.33; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon)> getConnection; Exception: 1; time: 1121235458.88; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)> getConnection; Exception: 1; time: 1121235458.89; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-3, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-2, started daemon)>
assignConnection; creatingConnection: 3; time:1121235459.07; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-2, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 3; time: 1121235459.07; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-2, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 2; time: 1121235459.41; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon)>
close; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)>
_register; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)>
assignConnection; creatingConnection: 4; time:1121235459.54; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235459.54; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Exception: 3; time: 1121235459.89; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-2, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235460.23; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Exception: 2; time: 1121235460.87; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235461.12; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235461.23; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235461.23; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235461.46; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235461.69; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Returned connection: 4; time: 1121235462.67; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> returnConnection; deleting assigned id: 4; time: 1121235462.67; thread:<_DummyThread(Dummy-4, started daemon)> getConnection; Exception: 2; time: 1121235462.76; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon)> getConnection; Exception: 3; time: 1121235462.76; thread: <_DummyThread(Dummy-2, started daemon)> *# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


*# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# connections.py
import DCOracle2
import threading

from Shared.DC.ZRDB.TM import Surrogate
from exceptions import ConnectionReleasedError, NoConnectionError
import time

# a pool of connections
# connection string -> list of available connections
pool = {}

# connections currently in use
# connection id -> connection object
assigned = {}

# connection count of created connections
# connecting string -> number of connections around
connection_count = {}

# the next id to be assigned
next_id = 0

# the big fat lock for when modifying the above
lock = threading.Lock()

def assignConnection(connectionString):
   global lock
   global pool
   global assigned
   global next_id
   global connection_count
   id = 0

       available = pool.get(connectionString,None)

       if available is None:
           available = pool[connectionString] = []

       if available:
           id, conn = available.pop()
print 'assignConnection; getting availaible: %s; time: %s; thread: %s' % (id, time.time(), threading.currentThread())
           conn = DCOracle2.connect(connectionString)
           id = next_id
           next_id += 1

               ] = connection_count.get(
                       0) + 1
print 'assignConnection; creatingConnection: %s; time:%s; thread: %s' % (id, time.time(),threading.currentThread() )



   return id

def getConnection(id):
       connpair = assigned[id]
print 'getConnection; Returned connection: %s; time: %s; thread: %s' % (id, time.time(), threading.currentThread())
   except KeyError,e:
print 'getConnection; Exception: %s; time: %s; thread: %s' % (e.args[0], time.time(), threading.currentThread())
       if e.args:
           raise ConnectionReleasedError,e.args[0]
           raise NoConnectionError,id
   return connpair[0]

def returnConnection(id):
   global lock
   global pool
   global assigned


           conn,connectionString = assigned[id]
       except KeyError,e:
print 'returnConnection; Exception: %s; thread:' % (e.args[0], threading.currentThread())
           if e.args:
raise ConnectionReleasedError,e.args[0] else:
               raise NoConnectionError,id
print 'returnConnection; deleting assigned id: %s; time: %s; thread:%s' % (id, time.time(), threading.currentThread())
       del assigned[id]




def close(connectionString=None, theId=None):
   global lock
   global pool
   global assigned
   global next_id
   global connection_count
   print 'close; thread: %s' % (threading.currentThread())

       for connstring,connections in pool.items():
           if connectionString is None or connstring==connectionString:
               for id,conn in connections:
                   if theId is None or id==theId:
               if not pool[connstring]:
                   del pool[connstring]

       for id,connpair in assigned.items():
           if theId is None or id==theId:
               conn,connstring = connpair
               if connectionString is None or connstring==connectionString:
conn.close() del assigned[id]

       if connectionString is None and theId is None:

next_id = 0
           for key in connection_count.keys():
               del connection_count[key]

       elif theId is None:

           if connection_count.has_key(connectionString):
               del connection_count[connectionString]


           connection_count[connectionString] -= 1



def countConnections(connectionString):
   return connection_count.get(connectionString,0)

class CTM:
   """A class providing transaction manager support
      for connection pooling.
      Also stores _registered and _finalised as
      _v_ variables"""

   _v_connection_id = _v_registered = None

   def _register(self):
       print '_register; thread: %s' % (threading.currentThread())
       if not self._v_registered:
           self._v_registered = 1
           self._v_finalize = 0

   def tpc_begin(self, *ignored): pass

   def tpc_vote(self, *ignored):
       self._v_finalize = 1

   def tpc_finish(self, *ignored):

       if self._v_finalize:
           try: self._finish()
           finally: self._v_registered=0

   def abort(self, *ignored):
       try: self._abort()
       finally: self._v_registered=0

   tpc_abort = abort

   def sortKey(self, *ignored):
       """ The sortKey method is used for recent ZODB compatibility which
       needs to have a known commit order for lock acquisition.  Most
       DA's talking to RDBMS systems do not care about commit order, so
       return the constant 1
       return 1
def getDB(self):
       if self._v_connection_id is None:
       return getConnection(
def __del__(self):
       if self._v_connection_id is not None:
           self._v_connection_id = None
def _begin(self):
       # assertion checks we've not already got a
       # connection which would get leaked at this
       # point
       assert self._v_connection_id is None
# either use the connection string
       # or, if it's not there (we're a stored procedure)
       # then get the connection string from our DA
       self._v_connection_id = assignConnection(
           getattr(self,'connection_string',None) or \
def _finish(self, *ignored):
       if self._v_connection_id is not None:
           db = getConnection(
           self._v_connection_id = None
def _abort(self, *ignored):
       if self._v_connection_id is not None:
           db = getConnection(
           self._v_connection_id = None


Maciej Wisniowski
Zope-DB mailing list

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