--On 23. April 2007 11:46:58 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
  I could use a recommendation on connecting to MySQL databases.  I'll
keep it short and say that we have a few apps now that connect to MySQL
and that have taking a 'wrong turn' in development.  I think fulfilling
these requirements will solve our issues and keep the development on the
right path and I would greatly appreciate feedback.
1.)  Provide a migration path to zope3.  An application that provides a
connection object which can provide the same API for zope2/Five and
zope3(we're currently using zope 2.9.6/Five 1.4)
2.)  Provide 1 connection which will also try to reconnect when accessed
if the connection has timed out, the server has restarted.

We're currently importing MysqlDB which I think I could genarlize a bit.
I've used the zope 2 mysqlDA in the past which has seemed pretty stable,
but is this the way to go if the plan is to eventually migrate to zope3.
I've also looked at zalchemy which  I  think could also be used to
provide a utility with a connection pool, but seems to be more than what
we need right now.

Independent of the question Zope 2 vs. Zope 3: I would use something SQLAlchemy based nowadays. My tool z3c.sqlalchemy works with Zope 2, Zope 3
and Python-only environments.


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