Thanks Chris, I'll hold on to that for a rainier day.  I just worked
this one out in a very roundabout way ;)

A product had gotten copied in that moved a Product class from one
module to another even though everything else was the same.  It seems
that ZODB doesn't like that.  So, somehow, that caused all kinds of
unrelated problems.  I put the product back to the way it was, deleted
acl_users through python, restarted, went in and undid the Global
Registry Rebuild and the delete and voila!  It works again.


Chris McDonough wrote:
> do this in the debugger:
> import Zope
> app =
> app.fixupZClassDependencies(rebuild=1)
> get_transaction().commit()
> exit the debugger and restart, see what happens.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tim McLaughlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 10:29 AM
> Subject: [Zope-dev] nasty persistence problem
> > I seem to be in a bad spot.  When I restarted Zope after modifying some
> > products, I got a "Could not load oid.." for all URLs.
> >
> > Basically, the only way I could even access anything was by doing an
> > "import Zope" in the Python interpreter and deleting acl_users which is
> > an instance of LoginManager.  And now I found out (once I was able to
> > login to ZMI) that two vital ZClasses are broken also.
> >
> > So, I'm kinda stuck.  Here's the error:
> >
> > Error Type: Could not load oid     ~, pickled data in traceback info
> > may contain clues
> > Error Value: None
> >
> > Here's the traceback if it helps...
> >
> > Traceback (innermost last):
> >   File /zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 223, in
> > publish_module
> >   File /zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 187, in publish
> >   File /zope/lib/python/Zope/, line 226, in
> > zpublisher_exception_hook
> >     (Object: LockableItem)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 171, in publish
> >   File /zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 160, in mapply
> >     (Object: manage_main)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 112, in call_object
> >     (Object: manage_main)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/, line 324, in
> > __call__
> >     (Object: manage_main)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/, line 354, in
> > _bindAndExec
> >     (Object: manage_main)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/App/, line 241, in _exec
> >     (Object: manage_main)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 711, in
> > renderwob
> >     (Object: objectItems)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/, line 839, in
> > sort_sequence
> >     (Object: objectItems)
> >   File /zope/lib/python/ZODB/, line 544, in setstate
> >   File /zope/lib/python/ZODB/, line 227, in
> > _persistent_load
> >     (Info: ('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x17~',
> >
> '(cExtensionClass\nExtensionClass\nq\x01(U\x07Sectionq\x02(cZClasses.ZClass\
> nPersistentClass\nq\x03cZClasses.ObjectManager\nObjectManager\nq\x04cOFS.Sim
> pleItem\nSimpleItem\nq\x05tq\x06}q\x07(U\x04iconq\x08U1Control_Panel/Product
> s/Content/Section/ziconImageq\tU\n_p_changedq\nK\x01U\x07__doc__q\x0bU\x07Se
> ctionq\x0cU\x08positionq\rK\x00U\x14_v_manage_path_rolesq\x0eU\x0fContent/Se
> ctionq\x0fU\x06_p_oidq\x10U\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x17~q\x11U\nziconIma
> geq\x12(U\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x17\x95q\x13(U\tOFS.Imageq\x14U\x05Ima
> geq\x15ttQU\tmeta_typeq\x16U\x07Sectionq\x17U\nmeta_typesq\x18(}q\x19(U\nper
> missionq\x1aU\x0cAdd
> >
> Sectionsq\x1bU\x04nameq\x1cU\x07Sectionq\x1dU\x07productq\x1eU\x07Contentq\x
> 1fU\x06actionq
> > U)manage_addProduct/Content/Section_factoryq!u}q&quot;(h\x1aU\x10Add
> > NewsSectionsq#h\x1cU\x0bNewsSectionq$h\x1eh\x1fh
> > U-manage_addProduct/Content/NewsSection_factoryq%u}q&amp;(h\x1aU\tAdd
> > Pagesq\'h\x1cU\x04Pageq(h\x1eU\x07Contentq)h
> > U&amp;manage_addProduct/Content/Page_factoryq*u}q+(U\npermissionq,U\x10Add
> >
> ItemSectionsq-U\x04nameq.U\x0bItemSectionq/U\x07productq0U\x07Contentq1U\x06
> actionq2U-manage_addProduct/Content/ItemSection_factoryq3u}q4(U\npermissionq
> 5U\x13Add
> >
> CatalogSectionsq6U\x04nameq7U\x0eCatalogSectionq8U\x07productq9U\x07Contentq
> :U\x06actionq;U0manage_addProduct/Content/CatalogSection_factoryq&lt;u}q=(U\
> nvisibilityq&gt;U\x06Globalq?U\ninterfacesq@]qA(cInterface.iclass\nInterface
> \nqBoqC}qD(U\x11_Interface__attrsqE}qF(U\nwl_getLockqG(cInterface.Method\nMe
> thod\nqHo}qI(U\x07__doc__qJU6
> > Returns the locktoken identified by the locktokenuri
> >
> qKU\x08optionalqL}qMU\x08requiredqN(U\tlocktokenqOtU\x08__name__qPU\nwl_getL
> ockqQU\tinterfaceqRU\x12WriteLockInterfaceqSU\x07varargsqTNU\x06kwargsqUNU\n
> positionalqV(hOtubU\rwl_lockValuesqW(hHo}qX(hJU_
> > Returns a sequence of locks.  if \'killinvalids\' is true,\n
> > invalid locks will be
> >
> deletedqYhL}qZU\x0ckillinvalidsq[K\x00shN)hPU\rwl_lockValuesq\\hRhShTNhUNhV(
> h[tubU\nwl_hasLockq](hHo}q^(hJUU
> > Returns true if the lock identified by the token is attached\n        to
> > the object. q_hL}q`h[K\x00shN(U\x05tokenqa....
> >
> > and on and on for a while.
> >
> > --
> > Tim McLaughlin
> > iterationZERO -
> > 703.481.2233
> >
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> > Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
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> >

Tim McLaughlin
iterationZERO -

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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