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On 14/12/2003, at 11:20 AM, Chris McDonough wrote:

On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 23:43, Stuart Bishop wrote:

I've just clarified the issue in the collector. We have since found that
manual product refresh is working, and it is just the automatic product
refresh that gives this error.

I don't mean to sound glib (really), but refresh has always caused more problems for me than it has solved, so when I see bug reports for refresh I'm always reminded of "Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do this..." With ZEO, Zope typically restarts in under a second. I just do that and don't bother with refresh. Is there any commanding reason to use refresh other than startup/teardown time?

Firstly, I've *never* had problems with refresh (as a user of) until Zope 2.7 (I only use it on my own products, so I must naturally code in a refresh friendly manner). I'm used to developing with autorefresh switched on for my products and it just *works*. If I make a change and don't see the expected behavior, I switch to the product refresh page to see where the syntax error is that caused the refresh to fail.

I've occasionally also used manual refresh to reload products on
production servers without nuking sessions, but apart from that it is
startup/teardown time. This is a problem though because doc/INSTALL.txt
tells us to:
        make instance

Until following the steps in doc/INSTALL.txt fires up a single ZEO
server bound to the loopback address and a single ZEO client (with
authentication on), the vast majority of developer and production
installations will be ZEO-less. This also makes ZEO-less installations
the best tested and most stable environment, or at least people will
assume so.

- -- Stuart Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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