[Michael Kerrin]
> I have just seen a check in on Twisted from James Knight which should fix
> fcntl import problem in twisted.web2.channel.cgi
> I have also being in contact with Itamar Shtull-Trauring from the Twisted
> community and he said we found an import problem on the
> twisted.web2.channel.cgi module and the parts we care about in twisted.web2
> should work fine (on windows) once this problem is fixed.
> I hope to be able to get hold of a Windows box later today just to run a few
> tests but that won't be until 7/8 tonight (11am local time now).

Thank you for following up!  I don't have experience with Twisted, so
don't know what to try.  If you can point me at a patchset, happy to
try it on Windows any time.  AFAICT, the Twisted-related failures were
the only ones remaining on Windows when I left off yesterday.
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