Am 28.02.2006 um 17:28 schrieb Paul Winkler:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 09:24:49PM -0500, Stephan Richter wrote:
On Monday 27 February 2006 16:56, Paul Winkler wrote:
At pycon we have just moved zope.interface
into a separate project (in preparation for eggification).
It's now a separate project at
and is stitched into zope as an external.

I would really like to see a proposal for this. We need to stop using sprints
as excuses for not following the process we decided to use.

Haven't we said forever that we want parts of zope 3 to be easily usable
independently of each other?  Is there anything controversial about
making that more convenient?

I have the feeling, that these questions are not exactly the right answer to the concerns Stephan had raised.

I'm honestly sure that the work you are doing is good and that we all benefit from this, but proposals are also about communication. And communication is also important, especially in these times, where there is an ongoing discussion about the future of zope development goals.

People who are using just the interfaces of z3 need to adapt to the reorganisation. I think twisted are using them. I'm surely in no position to judge about the technical implications, but the eggification process, for which this work is a preparation surely is a candidate for a proposal.

With regards,


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