Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 March 2006 17:26, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
> > The import doesn't, but the use of each method did because they looked
> > like this:
> >
> > def getView(object, name, request, providing=Interface, context=None):
> >     if __warn__:
> >         warnings.warn(
> >             "The concrete concept of a view has been deprecated. You "
> >             "want to "
> >             "use `getMultiAdapter((object, request), providing, name, "
> >             "context)`.",
> >             DeprecationWarning, warningLevel())
> >     ...
> >
> > I know for a fact that each call to getView, getResource, etc. (in
> > short, every function that's now in generated warnings upon
> > being called, and it's the message shown above in the code snippet.
> This would also be the reason you would see many less deprecation warnings.
> Because here they would be only report the warning once for all getView
> calls, while the import approach reports every call.

It's the other way around, but essentially yes.

Fact is, the stuff in was definitely officially deprecated since Zope
3.1. I *think* we can get rid of it.


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