Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Baiju M wrote:

Few days back I found that Zope 2, Plone, Schooltool etc. are already added to

I just tried to go to this page, but couldn't connect.

What is What do they do with our code? What's the benefit?

I don't know much about this project. I found some other free/open source projects using it, so I just tried to add Zope 3. It's showing some statistics based on svn commits.
I think, it's not that much useful.  May be we can delete Zope 3 from there?

You can edit details about the project.

Let's use also ? I think this will be really useful, especially their IRC bot.

Useful for what?

Again, I don't know much about this. They call it as a system for tracking open-source projects in real-time. When I join #plone irc channel I can see their svn commits always coming there. We get commit messages from mailing list, so this is not required for us.

Baiju M
Zope3-dev mailing list

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