On Saturday 18 June 2005 15:19, Corey wrote:
> Question:  with all these new changes since 3.0 ( which all look very good!
> ), approximately how much of the Zope3 Dev Book becomes
> misleading/incorrect/obsolete? Primarily I'm wondering whether it is still
> possible to use the Zope3 dev book , follow along with it's
> examples/excersises without constantly running into troubles?

Yeah, I think that most of it will still work just fine. I think someone 
reported that step 7 or 8 of the messageboard product was still working on 
the trunk, which is impressive. Before the final release I will take some 
time and make sure that all the packages will still work without 

> Right off the bat, I can see that the stuff on Services will be a point of
> hassle and confusion for many people starting off w/ Zope 3.1 and the
> current Zope3 dev guide.

Right, this cannot be avoided. But I already talk very little about services 
in the book.

> Are there prospective plans to keep the book updated with the releases, or
> are there simply not enough resources/time available at this point to do
> so?

I am not sure how much time I will have. I am very booked till school starts 
again. I would need at least a week to get everything updated, not to mention 
covering new features.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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