
Have you read the book written by Philipp von Weitershausen named "Web Component Development with Zope 3 ? (see at www.worldcookery.com). It is not available online but it is worth its weight of gold. This reading is really "enlightening" for a Zope 3 beginner, or programmer in general, as it covers everything one could ask when starting to learn Zope3.


Stéphane Brunet

Antonio Beamud Montero wrote:

Hi all:
I'm begining with zope3 and I want to create a simple app for manage
clients and invoices. I want to design with the zope3 concepts, but I'm
a bit lost...

If I create a Component Client and a component Invoice, - it's better put all the instances inside se same folder or create two
folders, a folder clients and a folder invoices?

Where I can find patterns in zope 3 design apps?

A lot of thanks...

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