On Wed May 24 2006 07:00, Martijn Faassen wrote:

> Ron Bickers wrote:
> > I was trying to implement the new annotations factory in
> > zope/annotation/README.txt but I'm getting a ForbiddenAttribute
> > __annotations__ error when I try to view an editform for the
> > annotations.
> >
> > Before, I had configured a trusted adapter, but since (I think) an
> > adapter directive is not needed for this, I don't know how to make it
> > trusted or otherwise fix the problem.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> These annotations still get registered using the adapter statement:
> <adapter
>    factory=".my.annotationfactory"
>    trusted="true"
>    />

I tried this, but I'm still having trouble.  Perhaps I'm missing something 
simple.  I have the following:

An IItem interface and a class Item implementation that's attribute 

The annotation interface and class are as follows:

class IItemMiscInfo(Interface):

    inStock = Bool(
        title=u"In Stock",
        description=u"Is item in stock?",

class ItemMiscInfo(Persistent):

    def __init__(self):
        self.inStock = True

What am I supposed to use in the adapter directive as the factory?  If I 
put ".item.ItemMiscInfo", I get "TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute" 
when starting Zope.  If I add provides=".interfaces.IItemMiscInfo", I get 
the following error when trying to access the editform:

  File "/usr/lib/zope-3.3.0_beta1/lib/python/zope/security/adapter.py", line 
84, in __call__
    adapter = self.factory(*args)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

The README says to do this:


I can do that in a debug session and it works as expected, I just can't 
figure out the rest.

What am I missing?

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