On Friday 02 June 2006 03:52, Chris Withers wrote:
> Stephan Richter wrote:
> > On Wednesday 31 May 2006 04:29, Chris Withers wrote:
> >> - Can my existing .pot and .po files be used?
> >
> > Yes, the PO file format is totally independent of Zope and Python.
> But with PTS, I don't need to build .mo's myself, right? ;-)

I know absolutely nothing about PTS, this is a Zope 3 list.

> >> - How would I mark up constant and computers strings in zodb-based
> >> Python Scripts?
> >
> > That issue has not been addressed at all, since we are not supporting TTW
> > development.
> That doesn't answer my question ;-)

Yes it does. It says there is currently no solution for Python scripts. And we 
do not work on a solution yet, because in Zope 3 we do not do TTW 

> >> - How do I ask the translation service what the currently negotiated
> >> language is?
> >
> > There are other
> > interfaces for this; I believe ILanguageNegotiator.
> Will that let me find out what the currently negotiated language is?

Yes, that's the point of this API.

> >> - How do I ask the translation service what all the available languages
> >> are for a particular domain?
> >
> > I do not think there is an API for that, but you could certainly develop
> > one.
> Where and how would I do this? I'd suggest this is an oversight in the
> existing API's and it'd be better to add to an existing API rather than
> come up with a new one...

You can always write a proposal. But I would check the existing API first.

> >> - How do a write/register a negotiator that choose a language based on
> >> an attribute of the user object and then falls back to normal browser
> >> negotiation if that attribute isn't present?
> >
> > Just implement the right interface and register it. This is not too hard
> > and I think there are code examples out there.
> Can you point me at some? I reckon I'll be okay writing the actual
> python, it's just going through the torture of zcml to find the right
> goat to sacrifice that I'm worried about, particularly as this is Five,
> not "just Zope 3"...

Someone mentioned that Phillip's book has an example. I know nothing about 
Five, so I cannot comment on the rest.

> >> - How do I generate .pot files from ZPTs, Python Scipts and External
> >> Methods? I used to use PTS' .missing functionality and just spider the
> >> whole app. Is something similar available in Zope 2.9/3 land?
> >
> > In Zope 3 you can simply call utilities/i18nextract.py; it will extract
> > all message strings from Python, ZPT and ZCML files.
> Yeah, but not ones in the ZODB, right?

As I said, Zope 3 does not support TTW development, so there are no tools 
built for such a task yet, though it would not be horribly tricky.

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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